Understanding HACCP

What is HACCP?

HACCP is a health and safety guideline. Here are five basic principles of HACCP.

Why are HACCP principles so important?

Prioritizes & controls potential hazards in food production

Controls major food risks such as microbiological, chemical, and physical contaminants, the industry can better assure consumers that its products are as safe as good science and technology.

The most important point of HACCP – Hazard Analysis

Hazard Analysis – Critical practice identifies the biological, chemical, or physical hazards that could occur at each step in your manufacturing process.

HACCP is a framework created to help you ensure that the end food product [which is ready to be eaten] is completely safe.

HACCP helps you introduce standards & checks which reduce risk as much as possible

HACCP does this with the goal of reducing risks to people.

For the Food Industry – Foodborne illness, allergic reactions, can become severe health concerns. This can be prevented. Avoid poor hygiene in food preparation areas and processes

All food businesses are required to assess the food hazards in their operation to identify steps that are critical to food safety, i.e. cooking food at the correct temperature for the correct amount of time to kill bacteria.

Controlling the temperature of food is extremely important in ensuring that food is safe to eat, and you must ensure that food is always stored, cooked, cooled, chilled, or reheated properly to minimise the risk of harmful levels of bacteria in the food that you sell or serve.

When developing your HACCP plan, you need to ensure that you document all key stages of the process, from deliveries to food storage to cooking and reheating foods. Using a temperature probe is the safest method to provide this reassurance and will ultimately minimise risks, save time and ensure quality standards are met at all times

Give us a call to chat about getting a thermometer for your HACCP Audit – +27 11 728 6099

PMI Team.