What is Remote Temperature Monitoring?
Applications for data-loggers:
There are many uses for data-loggers, for example , to ensure compliance with legislation, to help save costs, to ensure the quality of a product or process, or for research purposes in the following industries:
- Food processing
- Environment
- Agriculture
- Logistics
- Laboratories
- Museums & archives
- Refrigeration
- Medical
The EC food industry directive suggests that organisations involved in food preparation, storage or transportation should have the ability to verify that the temperature of food has been kept at the correct levels. This is often referred to as due diligence. Data-loggers offer organisations a method of complying with food industry legislation by offering traceability from the moment the food is received to the time is delivered to the customer. For shippers, data-loggers can verify that conditions within the transportation vehicles have been maintained within the specified levels.
For growers of fresh produce, data-loggers provide an accurate record of temperatures during the lifecycle of a product, from farm to plate, i.e. during growth, preparation and transportation of produce, thus ensuring best quality.
Monitoring the environment can help organisations ensure that HVAC systems are used to the optimum, keeping energy use to a minimum and saving money.